Private Transactions

By enabling MEV Shield, you can safeguard your trading activities from front-running and MEV attacks, ensuring that your transactions remain confidential and protected, you can safeguard your

Private Transactions and MEV Shield

When you trade cryptocurrencies, your transactions are recorded on a public blockchain, making them visible to anyone with access to the network. This lack of privacy can expose you to a range of risks, including front-running and MEV attacks

What is Front-Running?

Front-running is a type of attack in which malicious actors exploit the transparency of the blockchain to gain an unfair advantage over other traders. They can observe your pending transaction, predict your desired price, and then place their own orders ahead of yours, profiting from the price difference.

What is MEV (Miner Extractable Value)?

MEV stands for Miner Extractable Value. It refers to the additional profit that miners can earn by strategically reordering transactions on the blockchain. This can be done by prioritizing transactions that benefit them financially, such as those that include high fees or large amounts of cryptocurrency.

How MEV Shield Protects You

MEV Shield is a feature in 0xAISwap that obscure the details of your transactions, making them unreadable by anyone except the intended recipient. This effectively eliminates the possibility of front-running and MEV attacks, ensuring that your trades remain private and secure.

Enabling MEV Shield

To activate MEV Shield for your transactions, simply enable the following :

Once activated, it makes them unreadable to outside observers. This provides you with an extra layer of privacy and protection from malicious actors.

Benefits of Private Transactions

Private transactions offer several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Privacy: Preventing your transactions from being visible in the mempool.

  • Prevent Front-Running: Avoid exploitation by malicious actors.

  • Mitigate MEV Attacks: Shield yourself from miner profiteering.

Last updated